Duration/Time Slots Increments/decrements (30mins, 60mins etc)
Puneet Jain
Last Update منذ عامين
Duration of a Bookable Schedule can be changed by editing a bookable offering
Check here to know how to Edit a Bookable Offering
Private bookings where No. of Attendees is 1:
You can change the Duration of the Bookable offering, In this scenario the older customer booking will not be having any impact and if you want to you will need to take care it by reschedule/cancel the booking.
Future bookings will show new duration in the customer calendar UI to book.
Group bookings where No. of Attendees is greater than 1 or 0 for unlimited:
If you like to change the duration of the group booking, In this scenario you need to delete the old bookable offering(How to delete a bookable offering) and then create a new bookable with the same product and variant.
This process will discontinue the old bookable offering and new customer booking will be attached to new bookable offering.
Old customer booking will still be valid if you want to take them or else even you can reschesule/cancel the customer booking.
Click here to know how to Reschedule/Cancel the customer booking