Multiple Bookable Schedules/Team Members/Resource attached to a Bookable Offering
Puneet Jain
Last Update 2 年前
What is it?
You can add multiple Bookable Schedule/Team Member/Resources to a single Bookable Schedule.
For Example: You run a barber store, there might be multiple barber's and all are having a schedule.
So let's say schedule for barbers are
Working Hours Barber A - 9am to 5pm
Working Hours Barber B - 9am to 5pm
Working Hours Barber C - 4pm to 9pm
You want each barber should takes approximately 30 mins for each client.
Now let's create a bookable offering for one of your products which is women's hair cut.
Create a bookable offering which has duration of 30 mins and attach at least 1 or multiple Team Members to that Bookable Offering as shown below.
How to create a Bookable offering:
Follow the usual flow of creating a bookable offering and publish it.
Customer will be able to select the Team Member/resource if there any multiple associated with a time slot. See the Image Below.
Pick the one you want to book and other resource/Team Member/schedule will still be available so customers can book for the same time slot.