Set No. Of Attendees
Puneet Jain
Last Update 2 years ago
Setting No. of Attendees corresponds to whether you want to make a private booking or group booking.
While creating/editing you can set No.of Attendees in the Bookable offering.
1. Setting No.of Attendees to 1 will treat the Bookable offering as Private Booking.
So, let's say you have set the duration of bookable service to 30 mins then 1 Time slot for Ex: 9:00am to 9:30am can only be booked by one customer.
2. Setting No.of Attendees to N(can be any number) will treat the Bookable offering as Group booking.
So, let's say you have set the duration of bookable service to 60 mins and No.of Attendees as 20 then 1 Time slot for Ex: 9:00am to 10:00am can be booked by 20 customers.
3. Setting No.of Attendees to 0 will treat as unlimited Group Booking.
For this you need to set No.of Attendees as 0 hence, unlimited no of customers can book the same time slot.