Customer Reschedule and Cancellation

Puneet Jain

Last Update 2 anni fa

Customers can themselves reschedule/cancel a booking if merchant choose to provide them option for each bookable offering.

Merchants have the ability to ON/OFF customer reschedule/cancel functionality for each bookable offering as shown below and can edit as per their needs.

Customer Reschedule Booking:

1. Once customer have booked a bookable offering they receive an "Confirmed Appointment Email" in their Email attached to their shopify account.

2. Customer can open their email to see the reschedule email link. (NOTE: Reschedule links will only be available in the email if merchant has chosen the option to let their customer reschedule in their bookable offering)

3. Clicking on the link will take customer to a new tab and there they will be able to see a calendar to reschedule by selecting a date and time slot. 

Customer Cancel Booking:

1. 1. Once customer have booked a bookable offering they receive an "Confirmed Appointment Email" in their Email attached to their shopify account.

2. Customer can open their email to see the cancel email link. (NOTE: Cancel links will only be available in the email if merchant has chosen the option to let their customer cancel in their bookable offering)

3. Clicking on the link will take customer to a new tab and there they will be able to cancel the booking.

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